大竹優子(Yuko OTAKE, M.D.)

(Q1: How do you explain about Adlerian Psychology in few sentences for the people who are not familiar to it?)
First, It teaches to live co-operatively without struggling with other people. Second, it teaches each person should do what he/she can do for co-operation. Third, it teaches that co-operative life is the way to get happiness as a human-being.
(Q2: How did your life change in learning Adlerian Psychology?)
Having learned Adlerian Psychology, I have firm confidence that I have something I can do to construct the peaceful world without struggling. It is marvelous that I have always something I can do for the purpose.
(Q3: What is your opinion about professionals and lay people learning Adlerian Psychology together?)
It is a specific character of Adlerian Psychology that professionals and non professionals learn together. This shows very well that it is not a special knowledge for specialists of medical, caring or educational areas. Rather, it signifies that it is a “Meschenkenntnis” (human-knowledge) which relates various areas of human relationship. I love this aspect of Adlerian Psychology very much.