ウクライナのアドラー心理学団体、ウクライナ個人心理学協会(Ukrainian Association of Individual Psychology)代表ゾリャーナ・コシュリンスカ氏から、世界のアドレリアンへ向けてメッセージと寄付の呼びかけが届いています。
にもかかわらず、私たちの魂はかつてないほど強まって、国全体が力を合わせて活動しています。どうかぜひ、今日の私たちの国の現実を表すのにふさわしい形で、積極的にあなたの姿勢を表明して、それを広め、伝えていくことで、私たちの活動を推し進めてください! 私たちは、私たちのような専門家の共同体が、様々な価値観や意見を調和させ人々を結びつける強い力を持っていて、それ故に、責任をもって私たちのメッセージを可能なかぎり広めてくださると信じています!
会長 ゾリャーナ・コシュリンスカ
March 1, 2022
Dear Adlerian community
First of all, we would like to thank you for your position and support regarding the situation in our country. To date, as a result of Russia’s criminal military actions, we have faced catastrophic disasters – human losses, destroyed homes, schools, hospitals.
Despite this, our spirit is stronger than ever, the whole country is working together. We urge you to promote this by actively expressing your position, disseminating it and communicating it in an adequate form that will reflect the reality of our country today! We believe that professional communities like ours have a strong power to unite people according to their values and views, so we see a responsibility to make our messages heard as widely as possible!
Today, Russia has threatened our humanity, our peace and tranquility, and we are talking not only about Ukraine, but about the world as a whole.
Zoryana Koshulynska, president of Ukrainian Association
Individual Psychology (UAIP)
一般財団法人野田俊作顕彰財団 Adler Institute Japan
野田文子 大竹優子 中井亜由美
March 2, 2022
Dear Zoryana Koshulynska, President of UAIP
We are truly concerned for the safety of you, your family, and friends in Ukraine.
Russia’s current military actions are repeating the same mistakes of mankind that Adler confronted 100 years ago. It is a terrible act of denying humanity and attempting to dominate the world with violence. Adler’s answer to such mistakes is “Gemeinshaftsgefühl” advocated in his article “Borshewisms und Seelenkunde” written just after World War I. As mentioned in your message, “a strong power to unite people according to their values and views” is what will save people from “catastrophic disasters.”
Adler Institute Japan prays for the safety of all those in the war and expresses its strong regret at Russia’s attempt to solve the problem by force.
We, Adlerians, stand with the people of Ukraine.
Solidarity for Ukraine!
Ayako Noda
Yuko Otake
Ayumi Nakai
Directors of Adler Institute Japan
Ukrainian Association of Individual Psychology (UAIP)からの続報が届いています。
にもかかわらず、私たちの魂は、かつてないほど強まっています! ひとりひとりのウクライナ人の中で、祖先の血が熱く燃え上がっているのです。子どもたちの涙を思うなら、私たちは祖国を解放するまで決して休みません。
あなたの力が必要なのです! 私たちの未来の平和はみなさんにかかっています! この星が次の一日を迎えるために、私たちはみな相互に依存しているのです。
2022.3.13 Letter to Adlerian organisations
Dear Adlerian community,
We want to thank you for your position and support regarding the terrible situation in our country. We urge you to promote this by actively expressing your position, disseminating it, and communicating it.
Today, we face catastrophic disasters ? human losses, destroyed homes, schools, and hospitals. The disaster is not natural – not a flood, a hurricane, or an earthquake. This is a war that one nation, Russia, with all its military and propaganda might, wages against another nation, our Ukraine. We are facing a flood of daily propaganda lies, a hurricane of missiles and bullets, and an earthquake of hatred. There are no sandbags or retaining walls to stop the war, a greatest man-made disaster. One can’t sit it out in a basement too.
Despite this, our spirit is stronger than ever! The blood of our ancestors is boiling in each Ukrainian. The tears of our children would never let us rest until we free our land.
We do not know of any international or European organization that would continue relations with the Russians. Every day, hour and minute, the international community breaks off relations with professional Russian communities. By staying silent about the war, they are complicit in it.
This war is not a Ukrainian war. Please do not succumb to isolationism. Please confront indifference. Please find ways to continue helping the world to fight the evil of war by contacting your elected officials, by revisiting your relationships with professional organizations and individuals in the countries that kill or allow others to kill our children, by any other means.
We need you! Our peaceful future depends on you! We all depend on each other to see another day on this planet.
UAIP Presidium
March 16, 2022
We have read the new message from you. We would like to express our deepest sympathies for the even more serious situation you are in.
In Japan, the top news in the media is always the situation in Ukraine. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and many other historical buildings are lit up in Ukrainian colors.
Japanese constitution has a non-war treaty because of the previous defeat, but Japanese government made an exception for Ukraine by sending Self-Defense Forces cargo aircraft with materials, such as bulletproof vests, helmets, winter clothes, tents, cameras, sanitary materials, combat rations, generators, etc., to neighboring Poland.
A large demonstration was held near the Russian Embassy in Tokyo in support of Ukraine against Russian aggression. Various organizations in various locations are raising funds for Ukraine.
Our organization is very small, so what we can do is limited, but each one of us is eager to donate. So we have posted the donation accounts which you have mentioned, and of the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan and UNHCR, along with Japanese translations of your messages on the top of our website.
We sincerely respect your courage to face life tasks in the time of adversities.
We, Adler Institute Japan, is always supporting Ukraine.
Ayako Noda
Yuko Otake
Ayumi Nakai
Directors of Adler Institute Japan
2.Humanitarian Nova poshtaを経由する方法
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