野田俊作(Shunsaku NODA, M.D.)

(Q1: What is Individual Psychology for you?)
アドラーは、エーリッヒ・フロム、イワン・イリイチ、渡辺一夫などと同じような、ラディカル・ヒューマニズムの思想家です。ルネサンス時代のユマニスト(人文主義者)と同じように、彼はいつも「Quid haec ad humanitatem?(それが人間であることとどういうかかわりがあるのか?)」と問いかけます。彼の思想の目的は、疎外からの脱却です。すなわち、いかなる人も人として扱われなければならず、道具として扱われてはならない、ということです。彼の理論は、その理想を実現するための具体的な方法を与えています。
Adler is, with Erich Fromm, Ivan Illich or Kazuo Watanabe, one of philosophers of Radical Humanism. Same as Humanists in the Renaissance era, he always asks us, “Quid haec ad humanitatem? (What does it concern to the humanity?)” The purpose of his philosophy is the liberation from alienation; every human being should be treated always as a human, not as a means. His theory provides us with a concrete method to actualize his ideal.
(Q2: How does Individual Psychology influence your everyday life?)
Before Adler, the moral was for me the imperative from the outside. It was always contradictory to internal desires. After Adler, it is my own decision from the inside. I have no internal conflicts any more. I am going to be fully a human. Before Adler, the world was chaos. After Adler, I learned the principle that explains, if not all, almost everything in a very simple manner. As a result, I obtained a handle to deal with many problems in the world. The world is now, I hope, within reach of my hand. Without Adler, I could not treat my patients, I could not associate well with my family, friends and acquaintances, and I could not maintain my own healthy life.
(Q3: I hear there are as many non-professional menbers as professional menbers in Japanese Society of Adlerian Society. What do you think about that non-professionals and professionals study together?)
Individual Psychology is a treasure for all the human beings. It should be opened to everyone. Specialists of psychology or psychiatry have no right to monopolize it. For specialists, it is so beneficial to learn with non-professional people that narrow perspective, which is a continuous danger for specialists, is prevented by the good common sense of non-professionals. For non-professionals, it must be very exciting experiences to have opportunities to contribute to the future of the human beings through the movement of Individual Psychology.
(Q4: In a lecture for beginners of Individual Psychology, what would you like to teach them the most?)
First, we can be happy, second, we should give to others, and, third, these two are the same thing in essence.