イヴォンヌ・シューラー(Yvonne SHÜRER, Psychologist FH, Psychotherapist IFP)

(Q1: How do you explain about Adlerian Psychology in few sentences for the people who are not familiar to it?)
Adlerian Psychology understands individuals to be social beings, who deal creatively with their environment. In childhood, and using the resources at their disposal, each individual develops a personal navigation system, with the aim of securing a valuable place in society. When an individual feels equal among others, their innate social feeling, or Gemeinschaftsgefühl, is emphazised, and resources are activated to improve the standing of the group, or of society. As soon as an individual feels inferior, they forget about benefitting others and try with all available means to rise above them. This striving from minus to plus is innate in all of us, but when an individual’s feeling of inferiority is prevalent, the goal of superiority can become insanely self-centred, causing many difficulties for the individual and for others. Adlerian therapy therefore consists of helping the client understand their value, and activating their resources for the benefit of themselves and others.
(Q2: How did your life change in learning Adlerian Psychology?)
I suddenly understood what had gone wrong in my life. I was tremendously encouraged and as a result became a more encouraging person.
(Q3: What is your opinion about professionals and lay people learning Adlerian Psychology together?)
They can learn a lot from each other. Adler avoided teaching elitist groups and allowed lay people to join the professionals. His main goal was to spread his psychology in order to help mankind.