Representative Director : Ayako Noda

Approximately 40 years have passed since Shunsaku Noda brought Adlerian psychology to our country and made it available to be learned in Japanese. During this time, the name of Adlerian psychology has become widely known. Adlerian psychology is an excellent therapeutic technique and has had remarkable effects in various fields, such as education and welfare, transcending various branches of psychology. I believe it is very gratifying that the techniques of Adlerian psychology are being utilized in this way.
However, is it truly Adlerian psychology? If it is effective and solves problems, one may argue that whether it is Adlerian psychology or not is not important, according to the current trend. However, we dare to disagree with that trend.
The reason for this is that the foundation of Adlerian psychology is the philosophy of Alfred Adler, and it is only considered to be Adlerian psychology when the three components of philosophy, theory, and technique are combined into a coherent whole. Shunsaku Noda emphasized Adler’s philosophy and even his way of life was a practical embodiment of Adler’s philosophy. Therefore, we advocate for education and practice in Adlerian psychology centered on Adler’s philosophy.
Adler Institute Japan is a general incorporated foundation established by the family member of Shunisaku Noda with the aim of preserving and passing on Noda’s intellectual property to future generations using his legacy. We study and practice Adlerian psychology as taught by Noda and strive to keep “the spirit of Adler” alive by passing it on to the next generation.
October 10th, 2021
Ayako Noda,
Representative Director of
Adler Institute Japan, a General Incorporated Foundation

- Yuko Otake, M.D.
- Ayumi Nakai
- Ayako Noda

- Masako Seino
- Shigemi Takayanagi
- Michiko Tanaka

- Yasuhiro Kawai