I went to Fukuoka for a lecture. From Osaka, it takes two and half hours by Shinkansen, the super-express line of Japan Railway, or one hour by airplane. I took Shinkansen because it is more convenient. Fukuoka is an old city which is sometimes called Hakata. In the Edo era, Hakata was a town of merchants and Fukuoka was a town of samurai-s, worriers. These two towns face each other across a river. The times of the samurai were over and two towns became one and the whole city is now called Fukuoka. But Hakata is still a popular name. Actually the name of the station of Shinkansen is Hakata. The name of the airport is, confusing us enough, Fukuoka.

Today’s lecture was for parents who do not know Adlerian Psychology. People of the local study groups of Adlerian Psychology made big advertisement, and 150 people gathered. Half of them were newcomers. As Fukuoka is the biggest city in Kyushu island, and the traffic is convenient, there were many participants from other areas of the island. I gave four examples of problem children and compared the Adlerian system with traditional method of child rearing. I believe the audiences enjoyed the lecture and were motivated to learn Adlerian Psychology.
There are many study groups of Adlerian Psychology in Japan. I do not know the exact number, but perhaps there are nearly 100 groups. Japan has 47 prefectures, and in approximately 40 of them we have study groups. Unfortunately, among seven prefectures in Kyushu island, only three have groups. The Shinkansen will go to the south edge of the island by the end of this year. Then people of the southern part will come to Fukuoka to learn Adlerian Psychology, and soon there will be groups there, I hope.